Sunday, November 18, 2007

Life is...

Life is a canvas
upon which our creative energies flow.

Love are the threads weaved beautifully together
that hold this canvas of life together.

Hope is the air
that delicately breathes through these threads.

Faith is the colours that intertwine miraculously 
with beauty and seep into threads of love.

Joy is the infinite expanse of foreverness 
that this canvas of life, love, hope and faith portrays.

Compassion is the movement of the brush
and the delicacy with which it shares yellows, blues and reds.

Life is but a canvas upon which our creative energies flow.
Let us pick up our paintbrushes and become the colours...

Friday, October 19, 2007

Poetry Written From My Heart

These are a few of the poems I wrote in the past few years. The "Self Portrait" is one I wrote for my creative writing class (along with the other three) and got published in the UNBC Creative Writing Anthology in 2003. I hope you enjoy them! :)